A New ADULT(18+) channel named DORCEL TV on SES 4 22W is opened today on Receivers that support TCam Server.
In our case I.E in Ethiopia we have LEG N24+ and the new LEG N24 Pro and also I hope this is news but the one’s that you can found in everyshope Tiger E11 Ultra RF,Tiger E12 RF, TIGER E99 ULTRA RF also support Tcam like the classic LEG N24+ and N24Pro.
In order to use these channel and Canalsport 1-4 you’ll obviously need Tcam account and also a constant internet connection when ever you want these channels to work.
for Ethiopian customers who have LEG N24+ and N24pro LEG is giving out 6months of TCAM account for free.
This post and everything we post on this blog are just only for educational purpose.
here are some pictures from the NEW LEG N24 PRO
Nice info tnx man bigg up.